Knock Off K-Drama is an upcoming comedy drama that is directed by Park Hyun Suk and scripted by Han Jung Hoon. Knock Off K-Drama Starring Jo Bo Ah and Queen of Tears’s star Kim Soo Hyun, the drama will come in 2025.
Knock Off K-Drama Cast
Kim Soo Hyun as Kim Seong Jun
He is an ordinary office worker whose life takes a turn after the IMF crisis leads to his job loss. He finds himself entering the counterfeit market, eventually becoming the vice chairman of a company that specialises in producing counterfeit items. Through his sharp intellect, ability to think on his feet, and relentless ambition, he transforms the company into one of the largest counterfeit operations globally, aiming to reign supreme in this underground world.
Jo Bo Ah as Song Hye Jeong
On the other hand, Song Hye-Jeong (portrayed by Jo Bo-Ah) is Kim Seong-Jun’s former girlfriend and serves as a special judicial police officer dedicated to combating counterfeit products. Their paths cross in a complicated and tense dynamic as she works to enforce the law against the very market he has come to dominate.
Knock Off K-Drama Plot
This is the tale of Kim Seong Jun, an everyday man who found himself unemployed during the IMF crisis. In the late 20th century, he ventured into the world of counterfeit goods, and, by the 21st century, he became the king of counterfeit goods, not only in South Korea but around the globe.
Knock Off K-Drama Release Date
Finally, Disney+ announces the release date of the Knock Off drama; it will broadcast in 2025. The official network of dramas is Disney+.
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Kim Soo Hyun In Recent Interview
Kim So Hyun recently shared in an interview, “I’m currently working on a new drama titled Knock Off. It has a completely different feel compared to Queen of Tears, and I’m excited to connect with many fans through this new venture. I hope you all look forward to it. Thank you!”
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