Doubt is an upcoming K-Drama that is directed by Song Yeon Hwa and scripted by Han A Yeong. The main leads of Doubt K-Drama are Han Seok Kyu, Chae Won Bin, Han Ye Ri, and Oh Yeon Soo.
Doubt K-Drama Cast
Han Seok Kyu as Jang Tae Su
Jang Tae Soo is a renowned criminal profiler in Korea, known for his ground-breaking work in the field. He was among the pioneers who helped establish criminal behavior analysis in the country.
Chae Won Bin as Jang Ha Bin
Tae Su’s only daughter is a high school student who appears quite typical at first glance. However, much like her father, she possesses a remarkable talent for keenly observing and comprehending those around her. Additionally, she harbors a secret that has the potential to profoundly impact her father’s life.
Han Ye Ri as Lee Eo Jin
An individual who pursued their studies in the United Kingdom, specializing in criminal psychology, consistently values facts more than feelings and focuses on cases rather than individuals.
Oh Yeon Soo as Yun Ji Su
Tae Su’s former spouse and Ha Bin’s mom.
Doubt K-Drama Plot
Jang Tae Su is a legendary criminal profiler in Korea. He was one of the first in his field and paved the way for criminal behavior analysts in the country. He has gained the absolute respect and trust within the police organization. At home, he is a single parent and raises his daughter by himself. Jang Tae Su works on a murder case and realizes that his daughter is involved in the case. The discovery shakes everything in his professional beliefs and his relationship with his daughter. To protect his daughter, Jang Tae Su struggles to reveal the truth.
(Source: AsianWiki)
Doubt K-Drama Release Date
Doubt K-Drama will release on October 11 and air every Friday and Saturday on MBC. It will take the place of the previously ongoing drama Black Out.
Doubt K-Drama Trailer
Yes, here is the trailer for Doubt K-Drama.
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