Gangnam B-Side is an upcoming thriller, mystery, and crime K-Drama that is directed by Park Noo Ri and penned by Jo Won Gyu. The main leads for the drama are Ji Chang Wook, Ha Yoon Kyung, and Jo Woo Jin and.
Gangnam B-Side K-Drama Details
- Drama: Gangnam B-Side
- Director: Park Noo Ri
- Screenwriter: Jo Won Gyu
- Genres: Thriller, Mystery, and Crime
- Episodes: 8
- Release Date: Nov 6, 2024
- Runtime: Wednesday
- Network: Disney+
Gangnam B-Side K-Drama Cast
Ji Chang Wook as Yoon Gil Ho
the enigmatic broker.
Ha Yoon Kyung as Min Seo Jin
a prosecutor.
Jo Woo Jin as Kang Dong Woo
a detective.
BIBI as Jae Hee
She works for a famous bar in Gangnam.
Gangnam B-Side K-Drama Plot
A series of disappearances takes place in Gangnam, Seoul. Jae Hee works for a famous bar in Gangnam and she knows a secret involving the series of disappearances, but she also disappears. People that become involved with the case include Detective Kang Dong Woo, who was demoted and then returned to work, Gangnam outlaw Yoon Gil Ho, who put himself on the list of suspects, and Prosecutor Min Seo Jin, who works on this case as an opportunity to raise his status. They chase after the truth of the case for different reasons.
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Gangnam B-Side K-Drama Release Date
Disney+, which is the official network of the Gangnam B-Side, confirmed that the drama will release on Wednesday, 6 Nov.
Gangnam B-Side K-Drama Trailer
Yes, here is the trailer for Gangnam B-Side K-Drama.