Love Next Door is an ongoing comedy and romantic K-Drama that is helmed by Yoo Je Won and written by Shin Ha Eun. The main cast of the drama are Jung So Min and Jung Hae In.
Love Next Door Episode 9 Preview
In the preview of Love Next Door Episode 9, we see Hyeon Jun telling Seong Ho that Seok Ryu is not a child for me; she is a woman for me. After, Seong Ho brings Seok Ryu home. In the next scene, Seong Ho is playing a game and calming himself down. Then we hear Seong Ho saying that there is a gap between me and Seok Ryu, and Hyeon Jun is inside it. Hyeon Jun is a part of Seok Ryu that I don’t know about. In a scene, Seok Ryu comes out of the cooking class, and Hyeon Jun is waiting for her.
Later, Hyeon Jun gives a ring to Seok Ryu and proposes her for the second time. The next scene is going to be painful for us. Seok Ryu and Seong Ho have a fight, and Seong Ho says to Seok Ryu, ‘‘How could you not tell me about this? Is this how little I meant to you? As a friend, this is how little I meant to you?
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Love Next Door Episode 9 Release Date
Love Next Door Episode 9 will release on 14th Sep, Saturday on tvN at approximately 4:30 AM (KST). You can also watch it on Netflix with English subtitles at approximately 8:00 PM (IST).
Love Next Door Trailer
Yes, here is the trailer for Love Next Door K-Drama.
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