Treasure Island is an upcoming thriller, mystery, crime, and political that is directed by Jin Chang Gyu and written by Lee Myung Hee. The main cast for the drama are Park Hyung Sik and Heo Joon Ho.
Treasure Island K-Drama Cast
Park Hyung Sik as Seo Dong Ju
Seo Dong Ju serves as the head of the chairman’s secretary office at Daesan Group. He is often referred to as the “Daesan Man,” a title that reflects his unwavering dedication to the company’s interests. However, beneath this exterior lies a complex individual with deep-seated ambitions. His ultimate aspiration is to take full control of Daesan Group when the opportunity arises.
Heo Joon Ho as Yeom Jang Seon
Yeom Jang Seon is a law professor and the former head of the National Intelligence Service. He holds significant sway in the South Korean political landscape, even pulling the strings of influential figures from behind the scenes.
Treasure Island K-Drama Plot
It’s about a man who stole 2 million won in laundered money and was killed by the owner of that money. However, he comes back to life, but without his memories.
From SBS
The story of Kim Jang-sun, a man who hacked a political non-funded account worth 2 trillion won to survive, and the story of non-profit tax tax Kim, who killed a man and blew away 2 trillion won without knowing the fact that he was hacked.
Treasure Island K-Drama Release Date
Recently, the SBS Production team announced that the drama will release in Jan 2025. Stay tuned for more updates.