Red Swan is an ongoing South Korean romance & revenge drama television series written by Choi Yoon Jung, directed by Park Hong Kyun, and starring Kim Ha Neul and Rain. It premiered on Disney+ on July 3, 2024.
Red Swan Plot
Red Swan Episode 6 Recap
In the beginning of episode 6, we see that Do Yoon and Wan Soo were being attacked by a drone and the girl who attacked them is Lee Jin. Do Yoon’s car now explodes. Lee Jin later comes there with a bike and sees that these people are dead. After some time Do Yoon regains consciousness and is taking Wan Soo away from there. But then there is a blast in the car and the parts of the car enter Do Yoon’s body.
In the next scene, they are brought to the hospital. Do Yoon’s surgery was going on now. Wan Soo also regains consciousness and remembers the scene when Do Yoon took me in his arms. Wan Soo asks Yeong Guk how my bodyguard is, Yeong Guk says that his surgery is going on. Lee Jin is also coming near Do Yoon to kill him but then Yeong Guk comes, and she is not able to do so, anyway there was a camera installed here. But she comes out and calls someone and informs that the mission has failed. General Commissioner had also come to Mi Ran, and she was being told to kill whoever attacked Wan Soo. Sang Gil gives money to the commissioner and asks him to deal with the matter quickly. In the next scene, Wan Soo comes to meet Do Yoon, but Do Yoon is not there. Do Yoon is outside with his friend and takes footage around the accident site. Kyung Ju was telling Yeong Guk that the police came to know that someone had come to the accident site with a bike, but it is not known who it is. Yeong Guk again gives him a bag of money and asks him to give it to Eight Star Gang. In the next scene, Mi Ran asks Sang Gil to go to Young Min and so that he can invest in our duty-free shop. But Young Min said that we will not invest, first Wan Soo and Yeong Guk will have to apologize to us.
Wan Soo, who was also about to be discharged, comes to meet Do Yoon and asks him why you did this. You could have even lost your life. Do Yoon says that just like my mother used to say that we should listen to our heart, I did the same. By the way, these are some footages which are from near the accident site, but Wan Soo says that I don’t want to see them, I trust you now. Wan Soo now touches his heart and hugs him like this.
In the next scene, Wan Soo returns to her home and meets Mi Ran. Mi Ran tells her that it is a miracle that you did not get hurt at all. Your bodyguard must have taken you in his arms, anyway we pay them, they should do this. Wan Soo She asks if we can do anything with money, can we buy someone’s life. Mi Ran says yes. Wan Soo asks if you have done this before. Mi Ran says this is our secret business, Tae Ra is interesting in our duty-free shop. She is going to invest in the shop, you talk to her.
Wan Soo later meets Tae Ra and her mother and asks them to stay away from the duty-free shop. At night, Mi Ran also comes to Sang Gil with wine, and both go inside the room. Yeong Guk is nearby and is watching them and remembers a flashback scene when I was young, I saw my mother and Sang Gil getting intimate. Yeong Guk asks her mother what will happen if father comes to know, Mi Ran says your father already knows.
In the next scene, Wan Soo talks to her brother and asks for the foundation’s ledger. Hyun Su says what will you do with them, do you want to expose the slush fund of Hwain Group. Because of this, both of us can also go to jail. And anyway, I don’t have the ledger, they are with Sang Gil.
In the next scene, Do Yoon also comes home. Kyung Ju meets him and asks if the man who killed Ji Hyuk wants to kill Wan Soo, Do Yoon says. Kyung Ju now tells that he has done one more money laundering job for Yeong Guk. Do Yoon asks who will benefit the most from the death of the chairman and is it Yeong Guk, but Kyung Ju says that I don’t think so.
Red Swan Episode 6 Ending
At night, Wan Soo also comes to Do Yoon and asks him to bring the ledger which is with Sang Gil. Do Yoon holds Wan Soo’s hand and says that you should not do anything, it can be dangerous for you, I will bring the ledger.
In the next scene, Do Yoon comes to take the ledger. First, he prepares Sang Gil’s fingerprints and takes the ledger. But Lee Jin sees this. Do Yoon also installs a hidden camera here. Lee Jin comes to Sang Gil and tells him that Do Yoon was searching for something in your room. Sang Gil comes to his room, but Do Yoon is not there, and the foundation’s ledger is also not there. Sang Gil now calls Mi Ran. Do Yoon also comes to Wan Soo with the ledger. Wan Soo’s brother is also there. Do Yoon shows that I have brought the ledger. Then a team from the prosecutor’s office comes here and shows the search warrant of the foundation along with the arrest warrant which was for Hyun Su.
Red Swan Episode 6 Review
As we move forward in the episodes, the episodes are getting more interesting. Wan Soo and Do Yoon have come closer now. It seems that Kyung Joo has now come to Do Yoon’s side. What do you think about this episode, do tell in the comments.
Red Swan Episode 7 Release Date
Episode 7 of Red Swan will come on Wednesday, July 24. You will be able to watch it on Disney+ and Hulu. We will meet you in the recap of episode 6, till then stay connected with us.
Thank you for watching
Red Swan Trailer