The Judge from Hell K-Drama is an upcoming anticipated K-Drama with genres romantic, fantasy, and action. This drama is directed by Park Jin Pyo and scripted by Jo Yi Soo, starring Park Shin Hye and Kim Jae Young.
The Judge from Hell K-Drama Cast
In this drama, Park Shin Hye as Kang Bit Na is a demon. She sent to earth to kill evil people. On the other hand, Kim Jae Young, as Han Do On, is a detective in Nobong Police Station. He has a friendly and gentle personality. One day, Kang Bit Na meets Han Da On. After Kang Bit Na and Han Da On meet with each other, their lives change greatly.
Song Joong Ki and Chun Woo Hee Star in My Youth K-Drama
The Judge from Hell K-Drama First Teaser
Recently, SBS dropped the first teaser of The Judge from Hell K-Drama. In the teaser, Demon is talking with Kang Bit Na. Kang Bit Na says Demon in the teaser, “Welcome to my world, hell.” The first two episodes of The Judge from Hell are coming on 21 September. Here is the teaser below.